the title above read 'sue osoroshii' means terrifying (makes people scared)
they use it to comment on nino. in very good terms.
H magz comment on iwojima and said the one worth attention is Ninomiya Kazunari. with his act, the whole story can come alive. through saigo's eyes, we can really understand what happened in that battle. if it wasn't for the perfect act, the movie may not be good at all. thinking that now he's already been able to do such a complete act, what would he become from now on? 末恐ろしい。
I AM SO PROUD OF NINO and can't wait till 9th.
Wow!!!I'm so proud of Nino too *-*. Nino continue like this!!!!!!!!!!
投稿情報: matsubunny | 2006/12/02 12:06
Waaaaaaa~! That's a SUGOI comment! I'm so proud of Nino! :D
投稿情報: doki-doki | 2006/12/02 15:51