Day 1 :
1. What`s your reaction seeing Sho-chan`s new hair?
Eh, Horikita Maki? then, KAKKOIIIIIIIII ><
2. How about their new outfits?
A lot of outfits are sparkly! Arashi look like diamonds. Other than the rainbow curtain costume they wear before singing Love Situation, everything`s perfect. The best in 8 years.
3. Who is The Prince of Pee?
Aiba-chan. He told a story about how he couldn`t go back to Tokyo for MS since there was taifun and he got stuck in Nagoya and it was very difficult to find a hotel becoz everyone were stuck in nagoya too. when they finally got a room, Aiba-chan already couldn`t bear the need to pee and ask the bellboy
`O tearai wa doko desuka?` `where is the toilet?`
`shouben desuka?` `do you want to pee?`
Although Aiba-chan felt very weird for the bellboy to ask too straight like that, he really couldn`t bear any longer so he spurted
`hai hai shouben desu!` `yes yes, I wanna pee` in big voice
what did the bellboy said then?
`iie iie, `shoumen` desu.` `no no, I said `at front``
Of course, Nino-chan happily took this story as a start to call Aiba-chan Oshikko Ouji (Prince of Pee). Which continued until the 2nd day too ^^
4. Did you enjoy seeing Ohmiya kissed?
Yes :p
5. Did you like Aiba-chan`s dango-tied hair(he tied upper part of his hair into a ball)?
Very much.
6. Did you like Ura Arashi?
I LOVE Still.
7. Who fly for Fight Song?
I think becoz of Dome`s construction, they can`t do it together in the middle, so they did janken and only 1 will fly in the main stage. today the lucky? boy is Sho-chan. His face during the whole process is precious.
Day 2 :
1. How`s your reaction seeing Sho-chan`s solo up close?
O. Period. (that`s the dirtiest I can ever go in describing it >///<)
2. How did you like Fight Song today?
I love it how Captain lost the janken and had to bounce and Aiba-chan tugged his pants before captain fly, so he fled with his pants pooled at his ankle and his black tight underpants fully exposed. Sho-chan laughed until he couldn`t stand.
Only to Captain they can do this. Or Aiba-chan maybe. Imagine if they did this to MJ-sama? the only that will fly is someone`s head.
3. Did you enjoy seeing Ohmiya kissed *again*?
4. What came into your mind looking up at them in the moving stage?
Here is the perfect place for me! UNDER YOUR FEET ><
5. Did you cry?
How can I NOT cry when they sang Sketch? I`ve been giving up hope to hear it live. Infact, just before the con began, Yuki-chan and me talked about what do we want to hear for ura arashi. Yuki-chan picked Snowflakes, to complement Still in 1st day, and I told her how for 2 years I want to hear Sketch live and how I would surely cry if they did.
So, the second MJ announced it`ll be Sketch, tears already falling from my eyes.
6. Your favourite part?
Duh? Like, everything! These are my last concerts before going home T_T
After the con
What did you do when you found out you`re late for your bus home(damn me and my shotengai-lingering habit) and it was the last bus to Nagoya and you only have 8000 yen in your pocket?
well, first, stunned. Then went to buy 6.700 yen shinkansen ticket and Starbucks`s white chocolate mocha.