My dear little brother who probably the only boy I love more than our boys had just known the fact that I watched Captain's butai.
In his email, he was like "how's he look like? how's his hair? what did he sing? did you take pictures? I want to go too! when will Jun hold his concert? (he thought it was a concert)"
Oh, honey, what will that nice-motherly girlfriend of yours say if she knows?
And I got another email from my sister saying in a very near future both my Iza disc and the computer will completely break out if he keeps on playing them non stop in order to memorize Ohno's dance.
I really want to go home and smack him, "memorizing his steps won't make you HIM. And fanboying isn't allowed in test season!!!! "
I search for H magz but I haven't find it yet. I wanna see Sakurai-sama...
is SO cute :D :D :D
投稿情報: indayze | 2007/01/07 19:15
Your brother is so cute! He idolises our dear Riidaa huh? :P
投稿情報: doki-doki | 2007/01/07 19:21
cute lil bro!! **virtually pinches his cheeks**
投稿情報: aishoni | 2007/01/07 19:49
awww he's such a cute fanboy!
投稿情報: noirfleur | 2007/01/07 21:20