I`m currently in this dangerous `I had work hard so I`m going to give myself a present, plus my birthday`s just next month` situation XD.
1. My friend and I are still waiting for the tickets to arrive, but we might probably succeed in getting Jay Chou`s Taiwan concert tickets in June. My first trip to a place where I don`t understand the language! Yay! And yes, I do like Jay`s music enough to go all the way to Taipei. There were times when I can`t get Dong Feng Po out of my head ^^;
2. In July, I have Atari Kousuke concert <3. I might be bitching about the weather though since it`s an open-air concert and it`s not my boys, so most likely I would go home if it`s raining. Why would he have an outdoor stage in the middle of July? beats me.
3. In August, there`s Boyz 2 Men with New York Symphonic Ensemble. Okay, this one was an impulsive buying, but what can I do? A part of my younger days were spent humming to One Sweet Day.
plus, if my adviser allow me, I want to meet my friends in Korea in Summer, but maybe that`s asking too much ;_;
I hope I have enough money for daily life for Arashi after all this asia tour *dies* ><
That is ALOT of travelling. Taipei's a great place to shop! It's like mini-Japan. Enjoy yourself!
投稿情報: karened | 2010/04/24 20:25
wa..mau nonton yg di taipei yaa? aku nonton yg di singapur sih sm temen2. dapet tiket tgl berapa?
Dong feng Po emang enak banget^^b
投稿情報: La-Rush | 2010/04/24 23:05
akhirnya dapet juga ya! selamat looh, di sini jg ternyata sold out dlm brp jem doang, sampe ditambah venuenya tp tetel sold out & banyk fans yg ngamuk ^^"... jgn lupa foto2 di taipeinya ya, blom pernah ke taipei jg niih :D
投稿情報: namchu | 2010/04/25 01:01
I`ll...limit my impulsive buying in Japan.
I`ll tell myself to only buy some souvenirs and nothing else ><
投稿情報: hinagiku85 | 2010/04/26 19:28
wah, lupa nanya temenku tuh kt dapet tgl berapa :p
hari minggu pokoknya. itu juga kt belum yakin beneran dapet tiketnya apa engga. soalnya kmrn2 bbrp kali nyoba beli entah kenapa error terus. kt pikir ini ga bisa dibeli dari luar taiwan.
giliran ada tambahan performance, temenku iseng nyoba kok ok jawabannya. moga2 aja tuh tiket nyampe kesini.
投稿情報: hinagiku85 | 2010/04/26 19:30
kt udah nyerah, eh temenku iseng malah berhasil. untungnya kt udah sempat ngomongin panjang lebar soal rencana ini dulu, jadi walopun dapetnya bkn hari yg kt rencanain semula, masih bisa lah ditangani.
投稿情報: hinagiku85 | 2010/04/26 19:31