of course they have girlfriends. I don't know why but I'm 100% sure all of them attached by now.
I've just read in 99th.vox (gwen) about nino and his girlfriend.
as a fangirl, how do I feel... well, being the most selfish person on earth, they may do whatever they want as long as I don't SEE it, and if they decide to announce it, I want them to pick the right person. Someone I could trust to take care of them. No AV girls, no someone else's wifes, no under age, no widow in her 40s, no gal, and no comedian (don't ask me why).
I know I was supposed to always support whoever it is who could make them happy, but... I want to feel "I guess it's ok if it's her." kinda thing.
I so agree with you - they can do what the bloody hell they want as long as I don't SEE it and if they DO have girlfriends, she'd better live up to our expectations... LOL poor boys! They don't only need the approval of their family, members, friends and jimusho - they also need the approval of a million fans all over the world.
Seesh! It makes you wonder if being their girlfriend is worth it.
投稿情報: Dúnadan | 2006/12/14 13:00
as long as she's kind & prettier than me, I'm fine with their choice.
Talks about gf reminds me of Shingo from SMAP. He's been dating/livin in with this quite ordinary looking OL for years now. Its quite sad really. Shingo really does love her, he knows she loves her too, we all know they love each other.... why not announce it already? Is it because of the fans? The jimusho? The lady is too afraid of crazy unaccepting fangirls? I don't want that to happen to our boys. I want them to be free to make that decision when the time comes.
投稿情報: aishoni | 2006/12/14 13:33
They definitely have/had gfs. Jun even spoke openly about breaking up. For me, if they're happy with their gf, then I'm happy too cos what's important (well to me anyway) is that they're happy. Yet if it's some super low girl like Aiba's ex, then i really don't want her to be the gf of one of the boys.
投稿情報: noirfleur | 2006/12/14 15:41
I guess we feel like we have to approve of who they're dating because they're abit like our...sons. ;)
投稿情報: Gwen | 2006/12/14 22:34